Generate the Keys
You need to generate private and public key pairs to use our Portfolio securely. Ensure that you keep the private key secure and never share it. Share only the public key and API key for authentication.
You need to generate private and public key pairs to use our API securely:
- Private Key: Keep this key secure and never share it.
- Public Key & API Key: Share only these keys for authentication. Use the link below for detailed steps on generating keys.
Signature Key Generation
You need to generate private and public key pairs to use our Portfolio securely.Yo should go to Settings and if you don't have a key pair, you can generate a new key pair. You can use the signature private key to generate a signature for the request. The signature is generated by hashing the request body with the secret key using the SHA-512 algorithm.
Signature Usage
You need to sign all requests with the generated signature. The signature should be included in the X-Signature header of the request. The signature is used to verify the integrity of the request and ensure that it has not been tampered with during transmission.
Signature Example:
const signature = crypto.sign('sha512', Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body)), privateKey);
X-Signature Usage
curl -H "X-Signature: {signature}" -X GET{RequestedPath}
The X-Api-Key header is used to authenticate requests to the application by providing a unique API key. This key is a string that identifies the client making the request and verifies that the client is authorized to access the requested resources. Including the X-Api-Key in the request header ensures secure and controlled access to the application's API.
The X-Api-Key should be included in the header of every API request. The key is typically generated by the application and provided to the client during the registration or setup process. It must be kept confidential and should not be shared or exposed in public repositories or logs.
X-Api-Key Usage
curl -H "X-Api-Key: your-api-key" -X GET{RequestedPath}