
Welcome to the Paybin API Quickstart guide! This concise guide is designed to swiftly navigate you through the setup process, enabling you to begin utilizing the Paybin API effectively. We'll cover the essentials: obtaining your API keys, choosing an API client, making your first API request, and guiding you towards comprehensive resources for deep diving into the full potential of our RESTFul API.

API response

Understanding the structure of API responses is crucial for effectively integrating with and utilizing the Paybin API. Paybin's API response design aims to provide clear, actionable information while enhancing security and facilitating internationalization. Below is an overview of the key components of a Paybin API response:


    "apiVersion": "",
    "data": {},
    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK"
apiVersionIndicates the current version of the Paybin API you're interacting with. It ensures compatibility and access to version-specific features or changes.
dataContains the relevant data payload for your request. This could include details of a transaction, user information, or other pertinent data.
codeA status code representing the outcome of the API call. A code of 200 indicates success, while any other code signifies an error.
messageProvides a brief message corresponding to the code. For success, it's typically "OK". For errors, unique codes like Z503 indicate specific issues. See all error codes

Unique Error Codes:

Paybin employs unique error codes, such as Z503, to enable clients to handle errors more easily, support localization, and enable precise issue identification. These codes are crucial for allowing for the development of multilingual applications, and facilitating easier debugging

Why This Approach?

This structured response format ensures developers can easily parse responses, manage errors, and adapt applications for international users. Paybin's commitment to security and user-friendly design is evident in its API's response structure, catering to the needs of a global audience.

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